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    Getting pulled over on suspicion of DUI can be scary, regardless of how much you’ve had to drink. Even if you have only had a drink or two, you face the very likely possibility of being arrested for a DUI. As an experienced Seattle DUI attorney, there are many things I recommend that you do..

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    Driving under the influence (DUI) arrests are at their highest during Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve. Between Christmas and New Year, the U.S. sees the average number of fatalities involving alcohol-impaired drivers rise 34 percent. Each year, the number of travelers flooding the roads for winter celebrations increases, including a significantly higher number of alcohol-impaired..

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    Being arrested for driving under the influence (a DUI) in Seattle is a significant and frightening affair. Not only is the whole process complex and detailed, but the outcome of your case can have life altering ramifications. In order to ensure that there is a strong defense and an agreeable outcome to your case, you..

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    Seattle DUI lawyer Matthew Leyba discusses the different stages of a DUI jury trial in his latest you tube video blog

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    A few days ago I blogged about what happens if a person arrested for a DUI in Washington State takes the breath test at the police station. To follow up on that. I now answer the question what happens if you refuse to take the breath test following a DUI arrest. In my opinion as a..

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    One of the most common questions I get asked by anyone and everyone is what happens if I take the breath test if I get arrested for DUI. In fact I was at a great restaurant over the weekend (Brimmer & Heeltap in Ballard) and I started talking with the couple next to me. When..

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