If you have been involved in a situation that requires you to get criminal defense services, you should begin looking for a skilled defense attorney immediately. At Leyba Defense, we know legal situations are daunting at best and anxiety-inducing at worst. It’s perfectly normal to be at a loss when you first realize that you need legal help.
But, don’t panic! Panicking won’t help your legal situation and will just cause you excess stress. Instead, now is the time to plan.
It’s important to work with the best defense lawyer possible, as the skill of your attorney directly correlates with the success of your case. Begin searching for a reputable law firm in your area as soon as you know that you need a lawyer.
Don’t know where to start? Then continue reading.
In this article, I am going to share several helpful tips you can use to choose the best defense lawyer.
Find A Defense Attorney With A Good Reputation
Good reputations extend and follow defense attorneys far beyond the courtroom.
When it comes to finding a criminal justice lawyer or defense counselor, you need to be proactive in your search.
Finding the best lawyer for your case involves active research, reading client reviews, and tracking down word-of-mouth recommendations.
It’s important with any criminal defense case to work with a defense attorney who has a track record of success in the courtroom. Hiring a seasoned criminal justice lawyer with a good reputation means that you are more likely to have a favorable outcome in court.
Reputation and experience are everything when it comes to facing criminal charges. You should never “chance” your legal situation by working with a defense counselor with little-to-no case portfolio.
Defense attorneys are busy professionals, especially those with an expert reputation. To make sure you are equipped with the best lawyer for your case, you should find and contact a defense counselor as soon as you know that you need one.
Don’t Equate Expense With Quality Services
A high price tag doesn’t necessarily mean that you will receive superior legal help.
Unfortunately, some defense attorneys are greedy. They ramp up the cost of their services because they know that individuals facing criminal charges are often desperate.
Hiring the most expensive defense attorney could be the most damaging mistake that you make. Not all expensive legal services mean that you will get quality services.
Make sure that you are checking online reviews, case success, and experience before agreeing to work with any defense attorney.
Have A Consultation With The Defense Attorney
Most criminal defense lawyers offer an initial consultation at no charge. If you think that you have found a good defense attorney, contact them and ask if they do free first-time consultations.
Doing a free consultation with the defense attorney will help you see if the lawyer has a compatible communication style with yours. This will also help you to gain a realistic understanding of what the court process will look like.
Individuals who are desperate to find a criminal justice lawyer immediately often choose attorneys who aren’t suited to them. Choosing a defense attorney with whom you struggle to communicate increases legal stress and could even damage your case.
Communication is everything when navigating the legal waters of criminal justice. Don’t risk your case, instead, choose a criminal justice lawyer that will be a good fit for you and your communication style.
Listen To Your Gut Feeling
Your intuition is there for a reason.
If you don’t feel good about a particular defense attorney, keep looking. If you feel uncomfortable working with a particular defense attorney for whatever reason, don’t hire them.
Discomfort is your gut communicating with you about potential communication or trust issues.
Trust your instincts and listen to your gut. Avoid hiring a defense attorney that you feel apprehensive about working with.
Find A Defense Attorney With Expertise Where You Need It
Criminal defense lawyers cover such an expansive field. Defense attorneys work with cases involving DUIs, domestic assault, and drug possession.
If you are involved in a DUI case, there’s little chance that a domestic assault attorney will be very helpful for you. In such a case you should seek out the help of a DUI criminal defense attorney.
Finding a defense attorney who specializes in cases that relate to your charges will make the legal process so much easier for both of you.
Find a criminal defense lawyer with a track record of successful cases similar to your legal situation.
Hire A Reliable Defense Attorney Today
It’s crucial to address legal situations especially those pertaining to criminal charges. Criminal charges, no matter how seemingly small, carry lifelong consequences for most individuals. Your future opportunities could be greatly affected due to facing criminal charges.
Take control of your legal situation today by hiring a skilled defense attorney to help you through your legal situation.
Leyba Defense Is Ready To Stand For You
Matthew Leyba, of Leyba Defense, has been working in criminal justice for more than a decade and has a long trail of successful cases following him.
If you need criminal defense services, contact Matthew Leyba today to schedule a consultation. Matthew Leyba is passionate about helping those who are facing criminal charges through their legal challenges. He has been using his legal platform for the past decade to defend and bring justice into the courtroom.
Let Matthew Leyba be the one to help you through your legal circumstances. Contact Leyba Defense today to take control of your legal situation.