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    If you read this DUI blog with any regularly then you know there are two types of sentences imposed when a person pleads guilty. There is a suspended sentence and there is a deferred sentence. A suspended sentence means the charge imposes a sentence at the time of the sentencing, but suspends all or a..

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    In case you have not seen or heard about the “Adios girl.”  Here is what happened.  An 18 year old young woman was in custody in Florida on drug possession charges.  She must have been appearing at some kind of first appearance calendar where PC to hold is found, or a bail hearing.  Anyway there..

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    Now that Marijuana has been legalized in Seattle it was only a matter of time before someone decided to do a “wet lab” in Seattle with Marijuana and publicize the results and findings. If you don’t know what a “wet lab” is. Its a training that police officers do to help with alcohol impairment detection...

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    Since the legalization of Marijuana in Washington State approximately 130 DUI arrests have been made for those allegedly impaired by Marijuana and that number is increasing every day. This new DUI charge is now being referred to as a “Green DUI.” If you were arrested for a Washington State Green DUI in December 2012, then..

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    Part of my job as a DUI defense attorney in Seattle is to stay up to date on any changes in the law. This can occur one of three ways. First I like to keep an eye on rulings from the district court trial level. What Judge granted what motion, what Judge denied what motion...

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    Every criminal defense attorney out there knows about filing a motion to dismiss a case, or filing a motion to suppress evidence. Typically these types of motions really won’t tip off the Prosecution about what the defense theory of the case is. Meaning if you file a motion to suppress drugs for example because of..

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